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Junction Hot Yoga Classes

Junction Hot Yoga is a multi-style yoga studio in the heart of West Seattle.  We offer a variety of classes that are accessible for all levels.  

Hot 26

The Hot 26 is a highly therapeutic form of yoga consisting of a classic set sequence of poses that often goes by the name “Bikram Yoga” or “Hot Yoga”.  This sequence is composed of one breathing exercise, followed by a combination of 24 exercises and poses, and ending with one kriya, known as “Final Breathing,” before the final resting in Savasana. The exercises, poses, and the kriya in this sequence were extracted from “The Ghosh Lineage 84.”


The Ghosh Lineage harkens from ancient Indian yoga forms. This lineage was modernized at the point of Byayamacharya Yogindra Bishnu Charan Ghosh, but it remains a balanced “prescription” for the body-mind.


The Hot 26 is practiced in a heated room.

Hot 84

The 84 class is an extended practice that provides the full set of Ghosh Lineage poses. The 84 are taught as a 2-hour class. At Junction Hot Yoga, the 84 is taught as an all-levels class, that is participants progress at their own speed, often given exercises and modifications that are in preparation for the final pose to be achieved.


The 84 are practiced in a room heated at 100 to 105 degrees.

Power Vinyasa

Power Vinyasa is a high-energy, revitalizing form of yoga where students move fluidly from one pose to the next while synchronizing the breath with their movements. Power Vinyasa is a full-body experience that will not only develop your athleticism, but also provide the mental benefits of a breath-based practice.


At Junction Hot Yoga, we offer a variety of styles of power vinyasa. The type of salutations and the poses offered will vary greatly from instructor to instructor, depending on which lineage(s) they have studied. Some instructors will teach in the Ghosh lineage. Others will teach in the Krishnamacharya to Astanga to vinyasa lineage. Like our other classes, our power vinyasa classes are all level classes.


Power Vinyasa yoga is practiced in a heated room.

Ghosh Lineage Flow

This is a fun and popular class that is a combination of different yoga lineages and is therefore taught only by instructors who are trained at least in each The 26 and Power Vinyasa.  Most of the classes will take the structure of The 26 series as baseline but it will also include elements of Vinyasa Flow yoga. It’s a choice-based practice whereby more alternative pose and options are offered up to the students. This class is co-created between the instructor and the participant and thus the Fusion classes are intentionally creative.


Fusion Yoga is practiced in a heated room.

Power Kemetic Flow

Kemetic Yoga originates from one of the oldest known civilizations, ancient Egypt, which in Northeast Africa is called Kemet.


Kemetic Yoga is a healing yoga system based on the principles, philosophy and science of ancient Egypt. It is characterized by a series of align based, slow movement of geometrically progressive postures, that mirrors the images of yogic postures that are clearly shown on the walls of Kemetic temples.


The poses combined with the controlled deep breathing and meditation lead to many healing benefits. Kemetic Yoga relieves stress, increases blood circulation, nutrient flow and oxygen supply to vital body systems, and assists the internal life force energy to flow more efficiently.


Kemetic Yoga was developed by Dr. Asar Hapi. The modern-day practice has been further developed through the Yoga Skills Method, created by Yirser Ra Hotep.


Kemetic Yoga is practiced in a hot room.

Yin Yoga

A Yin Yoga class usually consists of a series of long held, passive floor poses that focus mainly on the body area from the navel to the knees: the hips, pelvis, inner thighs, and lower spine. These areas are especially rich in connective tissues, mainly fascia. Yin poses are usually held from 3 to10 minutes. The intention is never to stretch the muscles or ligaments, tendons, and fascia, but to apply pressure to connective tissues to the appropriate degree.


It’s thought that Yin Yoga is most like the yoga outlined in the classic fifteenth-century Sanskrit manual yoga,  the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. However, modern Yin Yoga also incorporates Taoist concept of yin and yang. Yin and yang are opposite and complementary principles. Yin is the stable, unmoving, and hidden aspect of life, while yang is the changing, moving, dynamic, and revealing aspect of life. 


Yin Yoga is practiced in an unheated room.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra originates from the ancient Indian teachings of yoga and tantra. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that is usually done from a lying position (Savasana). It is also known as “the sleep of the yogis.” In fact, Nidra is Sanskrit for “sleep.” The objective of yoga nidra is to cultivate true awareness of reality. While an extensive body scan is central to this practice, all layers of a person’s being are addressed. 


As such, Yoga Nidra is an extremely accessible form of meditation. In meditation, a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping is achieved that creates the deepest state of relaxation possible while maintaining full consciousness. This meditative state of mind supports the health of our body and mind creating a deep peace with oneself and the world. 


Yoga Nidra is practiced in an unheated room.

All classes are subject to pre-registration and availability. Purchases are non refundable.
**Special Events not included.

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